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trail  Full tourgo

Ice, rock and bones—a tour spanning 18,000 years
(12 stops)
trail  Big hairy beastsgo

Bones tell the story of long-extinct Tualatin inhabitants.
(7 stops)
trail  Raging watersgo

Visible evidence of the great Ice Age floods.
(6 stops)
trail  Tour for a rainy daygo

Sheltered sites to appreciate Tualatin’s Ice Age legacy.
(4 stops)
trail  A kids' view of the Ice Agego

Ice Age sites with a little extra for the little ones.
(4 stops)
trail  Existing exhibitsgo

Developed sites with in-place interpretation.
(9 stops)
trail  Rock 'n rollgo

Wondering where those erratics are? Follow this tour to visit them all.
(5 stops)